Monday, December 17, 2012

The Holidays: Ho-Ho-Hopeless?

If you're like me, you try hard year round to make good choices when it comes to your body - whether it's food, workouts, or just general health, wellness and overall fitness.  AND THEN December rolls around (read: Holiday parties, excessive temptation from baked goods, additional pressure from peers, family and friends from team "oh-come-on-you-look-great-just-one-won't-kill-you", and the general stress and lack of time that comes with the season) and no matter how hard you try, it all seems to go out the window.  Next thing you know, you're making excuses about all of the weightloss contests that you're going to do starting in January, and don't want to give yourself a disadvantage by losing the extra pounds before the contest starts...seriously.  I know you do it. 

FEAR NOT, dear friends!

When I first made the decision that I could be a better version of myself a few years ago, I went to a gym, and got a "Nutritionist".  When it occurred to me that she wasn't even remotely qualified to be giving me diet advice, I met a REAL Nutritionist: Kyle Byron (I'll count the letters that come after his name and add them in later - he's a real deal fitness nerd, and easy on the eyes too!).  This guy walks the walk, talks the talk, and frankly, you could proudly take him home to Mom any day of the week!

I got Kyle's most recent newsletter in my e-mail inbox the other day, and asked him if I could share it with everyone, so I'll stop my rambling and share with you Kyle Byron's "HOLIDAY FITNESS TIPS"


Holiday Fitness Tips

It's a tough time of year for trying to stay fit and healthy. Pick a few of these tips and try something new this year. I've put the most-important tips at the top of the list.

1. Stay engaged mentally. Whether that means daily goal-setting, being in touch with your coach or simply using appetite awareness - stay present! Remember that emotion drives our behaviour, so if you need to break a pattern, try to understand the emotional reward of negative behaviours and their emotional negative results too.

2. Eat the treats you love in moderation. AVOID run-of-the-mill treats that sit idly hither and yon. They aren't worth it. Bring healthy food to social events to give yourself more chances of success.

3. Remember that training before treat meals can minimize the damage of extra calories and sugar. The harder and longer you train, the more calories you're going to deflect. If you can't get to a gym try this:

Home Workout:
After a warm up, triple-set pushups, side planks and split squats or wall-sits. Rest for 30-120 seconds after each triplet and repeat 3-6 times. Pat yourself on the back. While you stretch think positive thoughts!

4. Watch your use of language. If you continue to lament, "The holidays always set me back," guess what Luke Skywalker, you will fulfill that destiny! Instead say, "The holidays are historically a challenge but I am more into fitness than ever - I will do better this year and reward myself for the improvement. Yay me!" If that sounds corny, just keep in mind the most successful people in the world think positively.

5. Meatloaf had it right when he said, "Two outta three ain't bad." If you eat a perfect breakfast and lunch, and your dinner is a bit off (say, you have extra carbs and a small desert), you can easily out-train those calories with some shopping and a 10 minutes of push ups. Bonus points if said activity comes before the treat meal. (In a normal week however, we strive for "4.5 outta 5" but I have no song reference).

6. Pull out of tail-spins. Dec 24-26 is only three days. Don't wait until Jan 3 to get your butt in gear. Get social support or contact me!

7. Don’t pause your coach! If you need them in normal life, how can you succeed without them during the hardest time of year?

8. Brush your teeth after feedings and you'll be less likely to graze again for a while.
spacer (1K)

Being the "Healthy Person" at a Party

One of my clients said once, "It's easy for you (Kyle) to bring a salad to a party because you're a Nutritionist; people expect it. When I do it, I get made fun of all night." This piece will give you some tips on managing social situations that can amplify an already-touchy subject - eating.

So you're invited to a cocktail party and your goal is to have one small treat. To control the environment, you bring a tray of veggies and organic meats skewers (healthy).

Upon producing the food, at least one person says, "Look! The 'Healthy Person' brought diet food! Ha ha ha."

Defusing comeback: "Oh, is this healthy? I just like this stuff."

Then you will be persuaded to alter your life choices, "Live a little, it's Christmas," or my fav, "You know, it's not healthy to be restrictive all the time."

Defusing comeback: "I will have some treats shortly."
What I really want to say: "It's under control. My non-compliant meals are planned in advance to hit a range of 80-90% with at least two non-compliant meals coming after exercise."

Later in the evening, a few guests will come to you and say, "Thank you for bringing the healthy food!" Add these people to your social network.

Eventually, after considering many options, you decide to try a cupcake. You didn't realize it until this moment, but you have been under surveillance. Someone cries, "Look! Mr. Healthy is eating a treat!!!!"

Defusing comeback: "Of course I am. Healthy eating means occasional treats."
What I really want to say: "What I eat is my business. Please stop making a public display of my food choices. I always planned on eating a treat. I am not caving to social pressure."

And it can get much uglier...
Usually it's just some light jesting, but once I was called a "fag" for bringing salad to a bachelor party (by two guys, not my friends). I did not handle this well. Let's just say I offered them a free martial arts demo and they declined.

But you can't just put up your dukes every time someone gets in your grill. I have a client who is under constant scrutiny from her work colleauges. I've coached her into politely setting some boundaries like, "Thank you for your concern. I'm seeing a nutritionist and my doctor, and everything is under control."

Some folks won't lash out, they'll become insecure and self-deprecate. Kinda awkward. But I catch myself feeling this way around the fitness models I know (I'm not as fit).

The point is...

If you are reading this, you are either fit or trying to get fit. You are in the minority. Healthy eating or having recently changed your body shape, is going to draw attention. Be prepared and stay calm. Don't engage or explain.
"Oh, this is healthy?" haha I love it!

If you are left wanting more of Kyle's writing, let me know and I'll hook you up with his newsletter.  If you're looking for a nutritionist to call your own, and can find your way to the uber cool King West area in Toronto, you can find him at 700 King West, or e-mail him directly at

And don't forget:  Love what you can, when you can!


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Car Crash Nightmares

A week ago today, I was making the three hour drive back up North from Toronto to the small town where I'm currently working and living Monday through Friday.  After following a salt truck for nearly 30 minutes (so frustrating!), I finally got to turn onto a different route... I was barely through the intersection when I felt my tires slipping out from under my control.  I said out loud "I'm going to get in an accident" and took my foot off of the gas.  All I could think was to steer WITH the direction that the ice was taking me, and hold on tight.  I spun toward the opposite shoulder, and suddenly felt my car rolling into the ditch.  I don't really have a clear image of what I SAW, but vividly remember rolling.  When we came to a stop, my driver's side was on the ground.  I don't remember removing my seatbelt, but after I did, I had my feet in the grass, out through where the driver's side window used to be.  My dog had been sitting in the passenger's seat, in her harness seatbelt; now, she was upright, hanging above my head!

Amazingly, both my dog and I walked away from the accident without so much as a bruise.  My car is written off (the frame is twisted from rolling), but we are ok!  I can't help but think that someone was looking after us that day.  I had a stiff back for a couple of days after the fact, but the worst part of the aftermath has been the nightmares.  I haven't slept well all week because as soon as I fall asleep my mind is spinning like I'm back in the accident again.  If you think about it though, that's a small price to pay compared to what it could have been!

This year has been a tough one, but I have survived it and relatively unscathed.  After the accident, as cliche as it sounds, I feel like I have a new perspective - things have been tough, but depending on how you look at it, I've been either terribly unlucky, or incredibly fortunate.  It makes me think that I have a lot to look forward to in the coming year, and I am going to make the best of it!

Love what you can, when you can!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

30 before 30

Below is a working list, that hopefully with result in 30 experiences that I will have over the next year, leading up to my 30th birthday.  These are experiences that I hope will help me to embrace change and grow emotionally and mentally and physically, instead of accomplishments that will define me.  Please feel free to add your suggestions in the comments below, and let me know if there are any experiences on the list that you would like to be involved in! 

  1. Learn a new language
  2. Finish the painting that I started in 2008
  3. Volunteer
  4. Compete in a fitness competition
  5. Go skydiving
  6. Get a professional facial (in all of the time I've spent in the salon, I've never had one!)
  7. Be a part of the happiest day of someone's life (I'm cheating - I get to be a part of my best friend's wedding)
  8. Meet at least some of the BAM girls
  9. x
  10. x
  11. x
  12. x
  13. x
  14. x
  15. x
  16. x
  17. x
  18. x
  19. x
  20. x
  21. x
  22. x
  23. x
  24. x
  25. x
  26. x
  27. x
  28. x
  29. x
  30. Spend my 30th birthday under the Eiffel Tower

2012: The End

As the world around us braces for the end of times, I AM READY.

2012 has been a real year of ups and downs for me (though it truly seems like more downs), both personally and professionally, and I'm embracing the fresh start that comes with a new year - whether it's here on this mortal Earth, or somewhere else, depending on whether the world comes to an end in the next couple of weeks.  So I say, bring it on!

Get out your tissue box:

In February, my dog ate protein squares that I had baked using Xylitol - which can be deadly for dogs - and spent 24 hours in the animal hospital on an IV to save her from hypoglycemia and irreparable liver damage (thankfully, she was ok, and recovered fully).  While she was in the hospital, I got a call from my parents, telling me that my Dad had kidney cancer, and would be going in for surgery ten days later (he also recovered fully, and is now involved in a drug trial).  I missed my period that month, which has never happened to me before, and after MANY home pregnancy tests and then a trip to the doc for bloodwork, it was determined that it was due to stress.  I had myself so convinced that I was pregnant that part of me was disappointed when I wasn't, if I'm being completely honest. 

By the end of March, I was laid off from my job.  My boyfriend had his ACL surgery in April, so the timing wasn't terrible and I could look after him.  I tried to approach the layoff with a positive attitude; truth be told, I really didn't like that job!  Sooner than expected though, the novelty wore off.  I was applying for jobs by the hundreds, and getting nothing but rejection e-mails.  My boyfriend and I were now doing our own separate workouts in the gym, instead of spending that quality time together like we had from the very start of our relationship. 

In May, I tried out for the Toronto Triumph, the Lingerie Football team, and made the team.  Then, I broke my wrist in training camp, 3 weeks before our home opener in September!  That made my training difficult, and put my dreams of an October fitness competition on hold.  Another roadblock!

My boyfriend started a new job, which was a really great opportunity, and he seemed genuinely excited about going to work, which filled me with happiness for him and hope that I could find the same for myself.  When a job finally did come along, it was out of town - 3 hours away, and in my little hometown - certainly another hurdle, but it was a really positive opportunity for me, and since it was only a contract, it didn't mean long term.  Besides, we'd see eachother on weekends!

I started my new job August 29th, and on October 6th, my boyfriend broke up with me.  I thought he'd been acting strangely because he was going to propose - I'd even gone so far as to look for the ring! - and he was unhappy, and tells me he had been for a long time.  Needless to say, I was, and AM heartbroken.  To add insult to injury, he continued to live in our home (MY house) in the city for another month while he looked for a new place, since I was only there on weekends.  It was like we broke up every weekend for a month.

After the breakup, I did something that I never in a million years would have thought that I would do: I drank.  Daily.  For more than a month.

I have had my head and my heart set on this "30 year plan" of mine for so long that I grieved all the way to the bottom of the bottle and then some.  No longer was 'married with a baby on the way' a possibility by 30.  It didn't matter that I have owned a home since I was 25, or that I have a promising career and make good money.  My family, friends and my dog still loved me.  The man that I loved no longer loved me.  It was Earth-shattering.

I stopped working out, I stopped eating right.  I generally stopped caring for myself emotionally and physically.  Even in the moments that I thought to myself "you deserve better than this" or "just go to the gym - you'll feel better", I didn't.  I was having a permanent pity-party for one.

\End sob story.

So here I sit, December 4th, 2012, less than a month from my 29th birthday.  I'm in my apartment - my home away from home, I guess - and it's time to redefine myself, and prepare to enter my 30th year of life with a clean slate (while I still have a healthy liver).

Rather than a 30 year plan, my hope is to make a "30 before 30" list.  Instead of a list of things I want to accomplish by my 30th birthday, knowing that I will be devastated if I haven't accomplished them, the hope is to list 30 EXPERIENCES that I can have in the next year.  Though the list isn't yet complete, it's quite varied; those who know me well might not expect some of them.  I hope that my friends and supporters can help me add to the list, and maybe even complete some of the items.

It's time for me to stop feeling sorry for the life that I'm not leading, and embrace the one that I am.  I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason.  Even though I don't understand those reasons, I know deep down that this is the path I'm supposed to be on.

Please cheer me on.  Stand behind me.  Better yet, stand beside me. 

I will follow this post with my 30 before 30 list.  If you have suggestions, PLEASE share them in the comments, so that I can add to my list.  Remember: these are experiences to help me grow in some way, not accomplishments that will define me.  If there is an experience that you want to be a part of, let me know!  We'll try to make it happen.

Never forget:  Love what you can, when you can.  And when you can't, let your loved ones help!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jack and Jill went up the hill

It's no secret to anyone who has ever resolved to start working out, or eating better or just generally be a healthier version of their former self; doing the right things for your body can be an uphill battle.  In my experience, the best way to get up that hill is to climb it with someone else who wants to get to the top just as badly as you.

When you and Jack (or in my case, Zach) have a well laid plan to get to the top, you finally start to see some movement toward the ultimate goal, and you decide it's time to order a custom made, swarovski crystal covered pail for that water.  Then you fall down and break your....well, your wrist.  Playing football.  In lingerie.  But that's beside the point.  When you fall, and let's be honest, you probably will - maybe even more than once - it's all about how quickly you can get back up again.

I broke my wrist four weeks ago, and I let it get to me.  I was really making progress towards my goal of a late-October competition, and it came to a screeching halt.  While I did my best to continue practicing football (somehow, I was a better catch with ONE hand than I ever was with two), and even continued to do my lower body workouts, it didn't take long for me to start feeling sorry for myself.  Not only was I unable to play in the Toronto Triumph home opener, I also had to put my competition goal on hold.

Then I got a new job.  Out of town.  A great opportunity, especially after 5 months of unemployment, but it was yet another change.  I was used to having all of my uber-healthy meals cooked for me, and my lunches packed.  There was ZERO guesswork in my diet, and now I'm back to cooking for myself after 2 YEARS!  Let me tell you, I fell off the wagon, and I fell off HARD!

That brings us to today.  I have had to make the decision to get back up, and start back up that hill. My trusty elliptical machine has made the trip to my apartment, and we have a date tomorrow morning.  I may not have my Jack physically at my side Monday through Friday, but he's always just a text away to help talk me back from a chocolatey edge that I may be hanging over, or to help me think of a creative way to work a muscle group without the ability to lift, push or pull with one hand!  I have my BAM (Beauty and Muscles) girls to pick me up, dust me off, tell me that I'm human and not to be so darned hard on myself, and then electronically give me a swift kick in the backside to send me on my way to the gym.  How I lived before those girls, I haven't a clue.

So my point in all of this is that we all have obstacles to our goals.  If it were easy, either everyone would do it, or nobody would because, well, why bother?  The important thing is to surround yourself with people who know and understand your goals, and who can remind you of them when you're too busy wallowing in self pity after hitting a roadblock.  Maybe I've said it before, but without a strong support network, how can you expect yourself to be strong all of the time? 

It's not like Jill went up the hill by herself (although I'm sure that if she had, she could have made it eventually).

Love what you can, when you can!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Life changes - and quickly!  I apologize for the total lack of posting lately, but I'm doing my best to keep my head above water - with a broken wrist!

I am moving.  Tomorrow. And I'm SO not ready, but it's happening anyway.  I will do my best to post regularly again once I get settled, but I can't make any promises right now...

Just wanted to update anyone who might be a devoted reader!

Love what you can, when you can (and when you have time!)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Seeing is believing

By now, we've all heard "the Secret" - the whole concept that you can believe something into being, and it's all about putting the right vibes out there into the Universe to get what you want.  In my mind, that concept extends to the way that you present yourself to others.  My Mom has always told me to dress for the job I WANT, not the one I've got (or at the moment, don't have!).  So what does this have to do with anything?

A few years ago, I reconnected with my friend, Sheila McElrea.  I'm pretty sure that she and I have known one another since the very beginning of elementary school, but lost touch as we went our separate ways to follow our post-secondary education paths.  When we reconnected, I discovered that suddenly one Miss Sheily-Mac-Anti-Bac (grade 9 math classes were never dull) had become this incredibly style-savvy, socially concious, political-science educated fashionista, and we were living in the same city!

As soon as I made this revelation, I knew I needed her help; at the time, my closet was riddled with polyester and ill-fitting clothing, the majority of which was likely purchased based on the fact that it was on sale...  She was ruthless as we went through my closet, but what we ended up with (admittedly, after a couple of "editing" sessions) was a more finely-tuned version of my former wardrobe, and a clearer definition of what I liked, what fit, and what really suited me, and who I was at that point of my life.  I now do my best not to spend money on those cheap fabrics because they're on sale, or because I like a ruffle or print, though I still have the occasional moment of weakness!  I have a few key pieces that are high quality fabrics and classic lines, and rely on them heavily in my wardrobe, regardless of the transitions I'm making in my life!

Seeing Sheila today, though only for a few brief moments (I'm excited to wear my new pants soon - thanks!!) really got me thinking.  With all that is going on in my life - the LFL, training for a competition, being represented by a fitness modeling agency, and work interviews - I'm tempted to think that I need to remind the Universe of what I want, and dress as the person that I want to be...though I really am enjoying spending most of my day in a bikini or short-shorts!  When you watch a professional sporting event on tv, you see the athletes arriving to the venue in full suits - I plan to conduct myself the same way.  Ultimately, I know that on the inside I am a pro, regardless of the context!

And nobody can rock an oversized tee, skinny jeans, cute booties and a leather jacket like Sheila - even though she swore up and down she was "slovenly"!  Check her out on Twitter and become a devout follower of her blog!

Love what you can when you can...and maybe remind the Universe of what's so loveable once in a while!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday menu: a LOT on my plate! (and some pancakes on yours!)

WOW, I have had a lot on my plate lately.  As of today, I'm 11 weeks away from my first competition, officially a member of the LFL Canada's Toronto Triumph, wearing the number 6, and filling out paperwork and prepping for job interviews (no, I'm STILL not working).

No matter how busy I am, I always have time for the people who have helped me become the person that I am today.  One of the biggest influences in my life was my figure skating coach; as a competitive figure skater until the time I moved away for University, I spent countless hours at the rink, and inevitably, my coach had a great impact on the person that I became.  So needless to say, when she comes to ME for advice, I'll gladly make the time.

She's been working out, made great progress in strength gain and weight loss, and she's finally turned that corner from "I HAVE to go and workout" to "I can't WAIT to go and workout" - I'm so proud!  To break through her weightloss plateau, she's decided to change up her diet, and called me!

Now that I'm at 11 weeks out, Amber and I have changed my diet, but I'm a big believer in carb cycling - so I suggested it to my coach.  We went through the details, and modified my previous plans to meet her needs and goals.  When we talked about carbs and cravings, she brought up PANCAKES.  And really, who doesn't love pancakes?!

So I thought I'd share a recipe for some yummy pancakes that should backtrack you less than the ones your mom used to make, and should fit into either a high OR low carb day - that is, as long as you can keep yourself from eating more than one batch!

1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
2 egg whites (60mL)
1 whole egg
1/4 cup frozen raspberries
1 TBSP Vanilla extract
cinamon to taste

Put all of the ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth.  Let the mixture sit for a few minutes to let the bubbles settle (and the batter thicken), then pour into a hot pan in desired size(s).  I like to use coconut oil in the pan, as it gives an almost sweet, buttery flavour!

Cook 'em the same way your Mom would, and you're golden!  They really don't need any topping, but if you just can't do without, make sure you're using 100% natural maple syrup!

237 calories
9g carb
34 g protein
6.5g fat


Love what you can, when you can!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Menu: a week away

I just finished checking in online, and in 2 minutes less than 24 hours from now, my flight should be landing safely on the ground in the YYZ.

Around this time last Monday, I arrived in Nova Scotia, and my boyfriend and I settled in at his parents' house for a week and a day of vacation.  I had BIG plans for how I was going to stay on track with my nutrition, and had even saved up a cheat meal to allow for the inevitable cheat(s) that would happen here.  It turns out, I likely should have been saving a little while longer!

Keeping a diet on track when you're away from your own kitchen, your own cupboards and their contents, and subject to any number of temptations is ALWAYS difficult; family and friends with a "just one won't hurt you" mentality, or even worse, the ones who get a kick out of waving temptations under your nose just add insult to injury!

My week started off pretty well.  We hit up Costco Monday night to stock up on eggs, egg whites, veggies and protein bars.  There was lots of chicken and lobster (mmm.....lobster) in the house, so we were set.  What I wasn't counting on was that we would be out and about so often, and that I would have to rely quite a bit on the protein bars, which are usually saved for no-other-option situations!

I did my best to stay on track, but ultimately fell off the tracks by Saturday - which started with plans to have a few drinks  at the New Glasgow Jubilee, and ended with me eating my planned cheat of Lobster & Crab Poutine, and then later an unplanned trip to the infamous Acropole for a slice of pizza with Donair sauce, and ultimately a bucket next to the bed.  BAD GIRL!

While I certainly wasn't anywhere near my numbers for carb cycling, the week definitely could have been nutritionally worse (and historically, would have been).  Rather than beating myself up for the few pounds that I undoubtedly gained this week, I'm ready to get back on the horse, up the intensity and really dial in my nutrition starting tomorrow.

Being back in my regular gym is something that I'm really looking forward to, and Amber and I are going to get together later in the week to order my competition suit, so I'll have a clear goal to meet in the coming 12 weeks.  Wow, how time flies!

On a totally unrelated note, I have to send a big shout out to my friend Tannis, who I finally had the pleasure of meeting while I was here; she and I did the Live Fit trainer together with a group of about 50 women starting back in January, and those girls have absolutely gotten me through some of my struggles since then.  It was almost surreal to meet someone who I talk to nearly every day, but had never met - AND to sneak in a leg workout with her too!

Love what you can, when you can! (and travel safely!)


Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The internet is full of inspirational, motivational messages and images about fitness.  I am a repeat offender when it comes to posting my favourites all over my wall and my twitter page.  Sometimes though, those messages seem to miss the mark.

A friend of mine posted this one today, and I've seen it before - and HATE it!  It makes it sound like we starve ourselves and work out and are generally miserable, all to punish ourselves based on comparisons to "skinny" roommates or self-loathing.


I like MY version much better!

Remember - love what you can, when you can!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Mandy's Monday Menu - smooth it out!

Wow, how time flies!  Yet another Monday, and we're now 14 weeks out from competition!!

For now, I'm still working on the 1400 calorie per day menu, carb cycling 3 low and 1 high carb day.  Since I started using my spreadsheet food calculator religiously every day, I've really been making progress - it's amazing how far off of my nunbers I was without it - I was cheating myself out of about 400 calories per day by guessing, and BOY was I cranky!  Not only was I not making progress, I was a cranky, grumpy, moody mess!  Good thing I'm back on track now - after 7 days of really tracking and following my numbers to the letter, I'm down 4 pounds (likely of waterweight, but I'll take it!).  My water has been at 6L or more a day, and I even made a trip home for the weekend without falling off the wagon.

Today, rather than a "menu" I'm going to give you a recipe....I've been using this for the past week in preparation for today's spray tan at Dove Spa on Dundas West (which is ultmately in preparation for the final LFL Toronto Triumph cuts this Thursday).  The key to a nice, even spray tan is exfoliation!

I stumbled across this concoction on facebook one day, and forgive me, but I can't for the life of me remember who deserves the credit!  Either way though, this recipe is SUPER easy, and if you can keep yourself from eating it, you'll come out of the shower smelling freakin' delicous! (Just make sure you don't use this once you've gotten your spray tan - since it's oil based, it will ruin your tan.)

Granular sugar
Coconut oil

Yup.  That's it!  I use them in basically a 2:1 ratio of sugar to oil, and you can make as much or as little as you want.  Toss the two ingredients in a bowl, mix well, making sure it's on the thick side - in warmer temperatures, the coconut oil gets REALLY liquid-y, and you'll be disappointed if you don't use enough of the sugar.

I like to make a big batch and put it in a cute, air tight container, and keep it by the bathtub.  You'll honestly come out super moisturized and smelling like coconut's ok to lick your lips!!

Love what you can, when you can!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fresh Perspective Friday

Hi there, sportsfans!  Happy Friday to those of you who recognize the difference between the work-week and the weekend!

My apologies for being tardy on the posts this week; I had intended for the Monday Menu to address my seemingly constant cravings (...have allllllwaaaaaaayyys been.....try to get THAT song out of your head now!) for ice cream in this crazy hot weather - and then the ice cream maker broke.  I'm working on rectifying that situation, but in the meantime, I didn't think anyone would be especially enthralled by a post with multiple pictures of a plain ol' protein shake with ice blended into it!

Wednesday weigh-in was going to be a discussion about support systems, my struggle to have my family understand where I'm coming from in both my journey and desire to compete, as well as my concern over their so-called "healthy" diet and lifestyle.  My parents have been here all week "visiting"- my Mom is here on a training course, and my Dad and I have been working feverishly to get caught up on my house renovations. 

Alas, between the malfuntioning ice-cream maker, and the busy-ness of the renovation/gym/LFL/baseball schedule, my posts just never made it into the realm of being.

Before I head back outside to help my Dad with yet another project, I wanted to leave you with what may just be my new mantra.  My friend (whom I met through the social media site for gym rats, which I highly recommend, Shawn, posted on the book of faces just how grateful he is for the good things in his life - his wife, his kids, the baby on the way, his new-found relationship with his parents - the list goes on - but most hauntingly, the fact that he's even ALIVE today, living longer than he sometimes thinks he was meant to do.  He closed out his post, public to his friends - both from the interwebs, and from real life - with the following:

Everyone should try, when they can, to take a minute, even just one minute, to remember the things that keep them from hanging themselves. Your wife, your kids, your job, your family, your truck, your dog..... it doesn't matter. Life is overwhelming and sometimes impossible... love what you can when you can.

In my mind, that really resonates with the whole message that I'm hoping to spread to those who have touched MY life.  Life is not perfect, you may not be perfect, but there is always something to love.  When you can recognize those small things, always take a moment to cherish them, like savouring the last bite of the best dessert you've ever tasted.

With that, I will sign off for the first time with my NEW mantra.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday Weigh-In: Let's Make a Deal!

How many times has the following scenario happened to you?

Set #1: Supposed to do 10 reps.  By rep #6, you've already convinced yourself that there's no way you'll get to ten, so you negotiate with yourself that you'll do 8 this set, and add 2 to the next set.

Set #2: This time, it should be 10 reps, PLUS the 2 extras that you skipped on last set; by rep 8, you're sure there's no way that even 10 will happen, so you quit early, and you'll DEFINITELY add another 2 to the next set.

Set #3: OK, this one will be huge.  In fact, maybe instead of doing 10 reps plus the extra 6, I'll just do another 8, and then an EXTRA set of 8......

Set #4:  Man, those first 3 sets were REALLY tough.  And it IS a low carb day, so I just don't have the same energy that I normally would have..............

Sound familiar?

I don't think I've met anyone who hasn't at one point or another tried to bargain with himself in a workout; some do it more than others.  When people are paying a trainer to push them, and help them "take it to the next level", it's not uncommon to hear extra reps being called out, or half reps - I don't know where trainers learn to count, but they ALL seem to either struggle, or count in fractions ("One...One and a quarter.....One and a HALFFFF"...) - and most of the time the client keeps pushing out reps until they physically can't do any more.  So where is that drive when we DON'T have that $65 an hour motivator?

When I was working my back the other day, I found myself bartering; that is, until I overheard somebody trying to cut a deal with his trainer.  I looked over, and thought to myself how silly of him to spend all of that money and try to cut corners...WAIT.  Maybe I don't spend the money on personal training, but I certainly spend the time in the gym, the money on supplements, and effort planning my meals (ok, Z does most of the latter, but there's still a lot of effort that goes into it!).  So why on Earth am I selling myself short?!

At that moment, I decided that every time I tried to make a deal, I would "Trainer Count" my reps or sets, and if I was really trying to haggle, I'd up the weights, too!  I ended up doing 4 sets of 12 reps of back extensions, instead of 3 x 10, and the last set I had to go and grab the 50# dumbbell because I was already using a 45# plate!  Was I happy to do them?  Not so much in the moment, but after the fact, I was proud that I didn't let myself quit.

Next time, I'm going to charge myself $65 for my advice...LOL!

Don't let yourself get away with making excuses.  Treat that voice in your head like it's your client, and make it do extra if it complains!  Of course, form is always a priority, but if you're cutting weights or reps because you're trying to negotiate less work for yourself, you're just not getting everything that you can out of your workout!

Love yourself, and PROVE IT!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Menu: Treat Yourself!

Ahhh....Cheat meals.  Love 'em or...well, LOVE 'EM, I have yet to meet anyone who doesn't treat themself once in a while.  At the moment, I'm carb cycling on an 8 day cycle - high, low, low, low, high with a cheat meal, low, low, low.  Yes, that's right; I'm having a cheat meal every other high carb day.  Guess what today was?  The second high carb day!

A few years ago, I had given up on myself, or at least started making excuses for myself.  It was to the point that I was ordering a LOT of take out, mostly from the same Thai food place, and tipped the scales at over 150 pounds (which is a lot when you're 5'1").  When I moved into my new house in February of 2009, and was renovating the kitchen, I of course ordered dinner; when the delivery guy arrived and I opened the door, his face lit up and he said my old address....he had delivered to me there so many times that he immediately recognized me and knew my address by heart!  WOW, how embarassing!

Obviously, my eating habits have come a long way since then, but I was really excited about today's cheat meal at Friendly Thai!

Round one: APPETIZERS.  Veggie Spring Rolls.  An order of these is 2 full rolls.  I used to put back 2 orders in one sitting...they really are delicious though!

Round two: MAIN COURSE.  Luckily, I had my boyfriend with me for dinner, so we got to split a few dishes and get some of everything: Shrimp Curry Pad Thai, Green Curry Chicken with Coconut Rice, and Spicy Crispy Beef.  I didn't eat much of the beef, because I couldn't stop eating pad thai and curry chicken...

Round three: ARE YOU KIDDING?  I was STUFFED!  I had intentions of going to Sweet Flour for dessert, but I couldn't possibly do it!  We had a pretty big doggy bag as it was!

I'm ready to go into my food coma, and I certainly won't be happy with the number on the scale in the morning, but the plan is that this will keep me on track the rest of the time.  Do you do scheduled cheat meals?  Does a cheat meal spiral out of control and turn into a whole cheat day?  How do you keep it honest??

Love yourself and prove it!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday: Hot Hot HOT!

Hot Yoga? That's for beginners.  With the insanely hot weather we're having (why are we always surprised when it's stupidly hot in July?), I'm here to start a new movement - Hot Weightlifting!

As Social Media lights up with posts about how horrifically hot it is outside, and how everyone just wants to sit in front of their air conditioning unit without moving, I've been doubling up on workouts.  Since I'm trying out for the Toronto Triumph - Toronto's own Lingerie Football League team- I've been keeping up with my usual 6 day a week workout cycle, and adding in the practices on top.  Saturday's LFL workout was a flight of about 100 stairs with 20 rep sets of squats, pushups and bench dips scattered in, and then sprinting and ladder drills.  Tonight's LFL workout was running drills and (finally!) hitting drills, which meant not just hitting, but also lifting and carrying our partners.  I would argue that this would be a sweaty workout even in the coolest conditions, but on days like today, and in a facility without air conditioning, we got a serious sweat on.

Even in the gym, where there is supposedly A/C, it is H-O-T.  As miserable as it seems, I know that I personally feel like I've been FAR more productive than usual.  By the end of my workout, not only have I sweat more, but I've found a little extra work buried deep in my muscles!  In heat like this, the muscles are warm with minimal effort, which in my mind makes for ideal conditions to push them further and move more weight! 

So in the summer months when everyone else is on a patio, downing cold one after cold one, are you in the gym upping your maxes, or are you off worshipping the sun at the family cottage?  I HIGHLY recommend taking advantage of the sweat factor!

Love yourself, and prove it!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Menu - HIGH carb days

I spoke to my Mom on the phone this morning, and she's up North visiting my Grandparents.  Whý would you care about that?  Well APPARENTLY, my Grandmother was quite concerned about my health; my uncle had seen my picture on Facebook, and was worried at how thin my face was looking, and was CERTAIN that I had become anorexic.  My Mom laughed, and suggested that at 135 pounds, I could hardly be considered anorexic (I can't wait to hear her opinion when I drop down closer to competition weight - will she be so quick to defend me then? I guess we'll see!).

So in honour of my supposedly obvious eating disorder, I felt that for this week's Monday Menu, it was only appropriate that I dedicate it to HIGH CARB DAY!  After 3 low carb days, I treat myself to the following macros: 130g of protein, 30g of fat, and (drumroll please!) 150g of carbs!

Breakfast: 1/2cup of Creamy Brown Rice with cinnamon, 4 egg whites, cooked in coconut oil

Snack #1: 1/2oz almonds, 1 apple

Lunch #1: 4oz outside round beef, 80g Yam/Sweet Potato, 2 cups raw broccoli, washed down with a shot of Progressive fish oil (1 TBSP)

Lunch #2: 4oz ouside round beef, 80g Yam/Sweet Potato, 1/2 cucumber, shot of Progressive fish oil

Snack #2 (post workout): protein shake w/1.75 scoops protein powder, mixed with water, 112g frozen raspnerries, 1 scoop Progressive vegegreens

Dinner: 4oz outside round beef, shot of Progressive fish oil

This is a non-cheat meal High carb day.  When it's a cheat meal day, I basically eat the same as above (but with whatever protein my boyfriend has cooked for me that day; chicken, pork, beef), but add my cheat meal in place of one of the two lunches or dinner, and really make it count!  Think cheeseburger with all the fixin's, sweet potatoe fries and a milkshake or a custom cookie from Sweet Flour (if you haven't tried this, DO IT.  NOW.)

I specified that the fish oil that I take shots of is made by Progressive, because I haven't had fish oil like it before... It's not just fish oil with vitamin D - it has a citrus flavour that makes the taste palatable, and the aftertaste is like you've just eaten a creamsicle.  If you're new to taking large amounts of fish oil, you'll definitely have "fish burps" until you adjust; this citrus flavour makes those far more manageable!

It's quite upsetting to me that someone would accuse me (or anyone) of having an eating disorder based on appearance.  Making lifestyle changes is difficult enough without assumptions being made that you are hurting your body/health.  I have several friends who struggle with the same accusations, and wish that people would ask more questions instead of jumping to conclusions.  I would suggest that the same people who are assuming that WE are being unhealthy likely need to re-evaluate their own nutrition, and their definition of what's "healthy".

Not everyone will be supportive of changes that you make to your lifestyle. It's up to you to love yourself, and make the choices that PROVE IT!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday Weigh-In

As a total competition newbie, no matter how much reading and research I do, I feel like I'm still going to be taken by surprise by a lot of things throughout the process, and especially on the day of (and days following) my first competition.

For this week's Wednesday Weigh-in, I went to some of my new friends who have different levels of experience with competing in the "Fitness Model" and "Bikini" divisions of various federations, and asked them to weigh-in on the one thing they WISH they'd known before their first competition...Their responses were quite different, and as I get more responses, I'll continue to add them below!

Sally Leung: "Honestly, I didn't know what to expect on my first competition, but thinking back, I learned that it is not about focusing on any one thing or copying past winners, it's about finding yourself, maximizing all your assets and creating your own styles. Afterall (like Clark [Bartram] says), competition results don't mean anything if you don't give it meaning. My suggestion to new competitors is to focus on improving every aspect of yourself and measure your success based on personal improvements through the competition process."

Judika Timar: "that you HAVE to have the best etc..and that no matter how good you look...its political.....I am glad that I did do the 2 competitions...but I have no desire to ever do it again...It is not for have to make sure the posing is perfect too..the walk..."

Lucien Gautreau: "One thing that I wished [someone] had told me .. well honestly I must say that it would probably be something like... "this is going to be one of the best experiences of your life, so don't stress to much and focus only on yourself, be open and get out there, meet as many people as you can. Enjoy the pleasures of being in the presence of such positive like-minded people and embrace every moment, as you will meet some of the greatest people and make some of the greatest friends." .. and make sure you wax 1 week before show day! :P"

Amber Dunford: When I sat down with Amber last weekend, her one thing she wished she'd known was that the tan would be SO DARK!  She put it on for the first time, panicked, then went on to mix it with baby oil to lighten it up...after the fact, she realized that she could have been ten shades darker!

Jacinthe Amyot: "The most important I would say to anybody who wants to enter the Fitness World is : Do never underestimate the importance of being well surrounded to attain success and reach your objectives. You really have to choose the right persons who will support you, share with you and spread positive energy all over the place :)"

The best way to prepare for something is to learn from those who have gone before you - as I get closer to my first competition, I hope to be ready for the good, the bad, and the ugly...

I HIGHLY recommend that you click on the names of the very talented, inspirational, beautiful, and above all else, helpful people above who are open books to anyone willing to listen and learn from their experiences - I've linked to each of their pages, and you really can gain a wealth of knowledge by following them and subscribing to their pages!  I know that I plan to learn everything that I can from their stories!

Love yourself and prove it!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mandy's Monday Menu

It's Monday, and I'm thinking this is the day that I set my mind right for the week, so what better way to do that than to share my Menu - what I'm going to eat, how much, and when!

Yesterday, I met with my new friend and mentor, Amber Dunford, to discuss my plans for the next 18 weeks.  As I've read about the whole preparation process, there has been a consistent message that in order to be successful, competitors will need a coach and trainer.  I've been in the gym on and off (but mostly on!) for over 13 years, and my boyfriend is a certified trainer, but neither of us has experience with competitions.  Amber believes that between my boyfriend and I, we have enough experience and understanding of both training and nutrition to be successful - as long as we have a little bit of guidance from someone who has been through the competition circuit before.  With that, Amber became my mentor, and has offered to give me tips and tricks that she has picked up along the way, so that my boyfriend and I can take it, and make it work for MY journey.

Knowing that my body is sensitive to carbs (as Bethenny Frankel said on her show today, "you might as well just staple that to your ass"), and having seen the results of carb cycling on my body before, we decided to start carb cycling right away at 18 weeks.  My overall plan is 1400 calories per day - only 50 calories per day less than I was targeting before - with 1 high carb day, followed by 3 low carb days, repeat, rather than being on a 7 day cycle. As always, the goal is to eat every 2-3 hours, and not go any further.

Here's the breakdown:
On HIGH carb days, I'll be eating 130g of protein (520 cals), 150g of carbs (600 cals), and 30g of fat (270 cals).
On LOW carb days, I'll be eating 150g of protein (600 cals), 30g of carbs (120 cals), and 75g of fat (680 cals).

Other slight changes from my previous program include the complete removal of dairy (I had been eating greek yogourt daily), cutting fruit down to only ONE piece per day, and only on HIGH carb days, veggies are now limited to GREEN veggies - I'll miss my grape tomatoes! - really limiting salt, and taking additional fish oil - 3 tablespoons per day.

Since my lovely friends Nat and Brock (aka "Brockalie") are getting married this Sunday, I started today with a LOW carb day, I'll have another tomorrow, Wednesday will be a HIGH day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday will be LOW, and then Sunday will be a high carb day WITH a cheat meal - wedding reception dinner!  I've cut alcohol out officially, but will likely include a glass of wine with my cheat meal dinner.

So for now, I'm going to share today's menu - remember this was a LOW carb day!

Breakfast: 4 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, cooked using 1 TBSP coconut oil
Snack: 1oz Pecans, 0.5oz Almonds
Lunch #1: 4oz chicken breast, 1/2cup Broccoli, 30g mixed greens, 1 TBSP olive oil
Lunch #2: 4oz chicken breast, 1/2 cucumber, 1 TBSP olive oil
WORKOUT - Shoulders + cardio
Post workout: 1.75 scoop chocolate protein shake
Dinner: 1 can tuna, 1 avocado, 64g (1 large stalk) celery - used lemon juice and ground pepper to taste

I will admit, I definitely felt hungry throughout the day.  I think it's a good thing that I'm back to measuring and weighing my food, as I've clearly been eating more than I thought!  My goal for tomorrow is to drink more water...

Love yourself, and PROVE IT!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Love yourself part deux

While I don't intend to do multi-posts in the same day, a friend of mine just posted this on Facebook, and I had to share - especially since it comes on the heels of my boyfriend's birthday yesterday (HBD!!), which had me thinking about just how quickly 30 is going to arrive for me...

These lists are typically cheesy and forgettable, but I LOVE this one, and was almost teary-eyed reading it!  AND, it hits on my most important message: be able to love yourself!

With that, I give you the original author's blog on her original 1997 Glamour Magazine article: "30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30."


Wednesday Weigh-in: Love yourself, and PROVE it!

For my first "Wednesday Weigh-in", I thought I'd offer some insight into where I'm coming from - not my bio, or a feature on my hometown, but what brought me to the headspace I'm currently in.  Future WWI's will be a space where I discuss topics of interest, articles, methodologies and hopefully have some guest bloggers!

I was raised to be a strong woman, with opinions and convictions, pride and strength (among other things).  I believed in myself, and wasn't afraid to stand out from the crowd, and stand up for what I believed in.  I played all of the team sports that I could, but my strength was figure skating - a sport that was demanding physically, and required commitment and dedication.  Before I ever realized it, I loved the sport because I was in control - my success was based (almost) 100% on how much effort I put into it.

My personal and athletic downfall was twofold; I was in a car accident that put a temporary end to my weight training in high school, and then after I moved away to University, and wasn't skating anymore.  I continued to talk a big game about being strong and proud, but had all but given up on myself.  One toxic relationship quite literally beat the spirit out of me - I wasn't allowed to go to the gym because if I lost weight, he was afraid other people would find me attractive!  I am forever grateful for the friends who helped me see that I deserved more.

Fast forward a few years, and I started running; another few years and I met my current boyfriend who helped me really get back into weight training and lifting big.  I had had the tools all along, but needed others to remind me of that strong, capable and determined woman that I was raised to be. Within a year of meeting my boyfriend, I had lost roughly 15% bodyfat, and was well on my way to being the person I knew I could be.

That desire to be in control, and know that the person that I am is a product of every action that I take, is back, and I have discovered Fitness competitions as the "grown up" version of my childhood love, figure skating.  I have a support system in place, both in my boyfriend, and in the new circle of friends that I have discovered both online (shout out to my "We Got This" girls!), and in person - all of whom I truly believe love me for who I am, and for what they know I am capable of.

My biggest fan though, is ME.  It has taken time, and trials, ups and downs, but I finally know that I love myself, and I'm worth the work that it takes to make healthy choices, and get to the gym on days like today, when the temperatures soar (hey! The gym has A/C!)

So I ask you to be honest with yourself - you know you love yourself, but are you doing the things that prove it?


Monday, June 18, 2012

Welcome to Pledge Week

In the past week or so, I've made some great connections with people across the fitness industry, many of which were made through my involvement in the FMIevents seminar last weekend.  One thing that I've learned is that the industry is small - it's all about relationships, larger than life personalities, and being supportive and helpful to the community as a whole.  It's really a healthy, strong and beautiful sorority/fraternity!

In an attempt to do things a little bit differently from the norm, I'm going to start my competition prep today at 19 week, instead of the prescribed 12 weeks.  Being that this is my first competition, I have a long way to go, and am going to leverage the relationships that I've built to be as prepared as I can be.

With that said, I'm going to start this journey with a pledge.

I PLEDGE to share as much of my journey as I can, in hopes to inspire and maybe even help others to make steps toward their healthy lifestyle goals.  I pledge to do my best to be prepared for my first competition, to learn from those who are willing to teach, and to be a positive and supportive force for all whose paths I cross along the way.

What's your pledge?  I invite you all to join me in this "pledge week" - commit publicly to a goal, big or small.

You love yourself, now PROVE IT!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Immersed in Inspiration!

I've heard it said that if you want to learn something new, you should throw yourself into it head first, and learn under fire.  This past weekend afforded me exactly that opportunity, and I'm so glad that I took a step outside of my comfort zone!

FMI events puts on conferences all year round to bring together fitness entrepreneurs, and help them to find a fresh approach to their brand and business strategy; yes, being in the forefront of the fitness industry as a model, writer, personality, or whatever else you may be, is a business, and requires planning!  My new friend, Chivon John, suggested a while ago that I come to the conference being held in Mississauga, Ontario, and (being gainfully employed at the time) I jumped at the opportunity to network, learn, AND get a photoshoot under my belt with a well connected photographer!

With less than two days, FMIevents Director, Gary Augustine Warren and other panels of pros FILLED my head with ideas, excitement, and frankly, a bit of information overload!  I'm sure that this could be a semester-long class somewhere in order to cover everything, and even then it would be a challenge.  We covered building a brand, and the tools to use in order to convey who you are, legal topics that could surely go on for days just by listing them, image and hair/makeup, other parts of the fitness industry beyond just getting your picture in magazines, how/when/how often to market yourself and to whom....the list goes on and on....I'm just glad I was taking notes!  Between the information that I was learning, and all of the ideas that it was inspiring, my head was spinning just trying to keep up.

Beyond just the pros on the panels, the room was filled with 20+ individuals with different backgrounds, levels of experience, goals, dreams...the more we got into conversations, the more the room filled with a sense of spontaneous inspiration and creativity.  If I could just bottle that energy...

Today, the second day of the conference, involved a photoshoot.  It certainly required a lot of preparation both physically and mentally.  I'd gone to the Dove Spa (on Dundas West) for my spray tan, had Susan @ChicLash do my eyelash extensions, had picked out my wardrobe, and finally had my long-time friend, Crystal Overland, do my very early morning makeup...All of that on top of the hard work that has gone into diet (thanks, Zach!), and workouts (too many people to thank, but they know who they are - WE GOT THIS!). 

The whole idea, while I love being in front of the camera was daunting.  I had selected Mike Byerly as my photographer, both based on his past work, and the fact that he regularly shoots my fitness idol, Jamie Eason.  Mike did everything in his power to make me feel both confident and comfortable, and assured me that we got some great shots.  I certainly still felt a little out of my league, but he was great to point out my strengths.  We were able to have some fantastic conversation, and it was inspiring to see that someone of his reputation could be SO genuine and down to earth.  I may post a follow up based on those conversations - a few of the things that he said really struck a chord with me, and I think they're worth sharing.

By the end of the two days, it was evident that we were all exhausted, and on information overload.  It was also clear, however, that we'd formed some great new bonds.  I've been told before that the competition world is a tight knit family, but that became quite clear to me sitting in a room full of like-minded people who are already in the process of achieving their goals.

While my body may not yet be quite where I want it to be aesthetically, my mind is ready to jump in, which I think is half of the battle.  Now I'm going to hone in on what I really want, how I want to do it, and make it happen.  Get ready for big things from Mandy Mae Allen - consider yourselves warned!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Laid off, not laid up

Yesterday, my life buffet ran out of something it had been serving for a while: work.  I walked into the office, armed with my recently renewed mojo, determined to make the best of a situation that I had been unhappy with for quite some time.  I wasn't going to let it get to me that our 65 year old receptionist had been giving me the silent treatment/death-stare combo for over a month.  I was going to put my head down and make some money.

I got set up, opened all of the tools that I needed, and before I had a chance to fill my waterbottle -its important to stay hydrated! - my boss asks me to meet with him and our hr girl, who had just moved here from San Francisco the day before.  We'd been having some issues in the office, even beyond the obvious morale problem, so I assumed they were having a chat with each of us to see how we could finally change things....wrong.

Long story short, they've "decided to go a different direction" and other vague statements that don't mean much, or offer any closure.  The receptionist was gone before I even arrived that morning, and apparently there are more layoffs to come.  So with a wipe of a tear (out of fear of what's to come more than anything) and a handshake, I was sent off with a month's severance.

The great thing about a buffet, is that usually when something runs out, it gets replaced.  Until it does, you can either wait with an empty plate, or try something different.  so I have decided to seize this opportunity!  I am empowering myself to do something each day that I wouldn't have otherwise done - either because I didn't have time, or just had too many excuses!

Yesterday, within a few hours of being laid off, I went to the gym for a killer arms & abs workout, scrubbed the bathroom top to bottom, folded that pile of clothes that had been on the bedroom floor for a while, reorganized my dresser drawers, did two loads of laundry, took my dog for a nice long walk....I just plain got things done!

Today, I let myself sleep in; not too late, just until 9:00.  I had a nice long shower, and set to work organizing my closet, and getting together a donations bag, full of things I no longer wear.  Very quickly,that task turned into a game of dress-up!  I tried on my Prom dress!  Then my grade 8 graduation dress!  It was silly, sure, but it was also in a strange way therapeutic.

My mood is already better, and I feel more like myself.  Of course, I'm worried about what's next, but I know that sooner or later (hopefully sooner), someone will fill up the empty dish in the buffet.

Maybe someone out there is just trying to tell me I had too much on my plate?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

12-week wonder(ful)

Did I post regular updates? No.  Did I track EVERYTHING? Totally.

I ended up changing things more than my original "I'm-going-to-follow-this-thing-to-the-letter" mentality would have allowed...but my boyfriend and I booked a vacation, and I wanted to skip ahead to the "cutting" phase early, so that my body would at least look bikini-ready, if not sun-ready.

My final plan looked like this: Weeks 1-7 (by the book), skip ahead to weeks 10-12 and CARB CYCLE.  Since I felt that I had a decent muscle foundation going into my fast-tracked week 10, I was confident that by carb cycling I would get most of the look that I wanted without suffering too much muscle loss.

Long story short, here's how I looked at the end of 9 weeks, before a full week of vacation:

Next up: setting new goals, and fine-tuning my plans.  The second weekend of June, FMIevents are hosting a Fitness Industry seminar for newbies to their world, and you can register for JUST the seminars, or you can add a photoshoot with one of their 4 featured, internationally published photographers.  11weeks out to prep for a fitness photo shoot?  That sounds like a lofty goal, but it would certainly help keep me on track!

To be continued....

Monday, January 30, 2012

Phased and confused

By Jove, I've done it!  I've survived the first four-week-phase of the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer.  Admittedly, some of it was harder than expected, but for the most part it went as planned.  There were exercises that I'd never done, and other that I've just avoided.

Ultimately, at the end of 4 weeks, I'm about where I expected I'd be.  Down a few pounds (most of which, I'd gained over the holidays), down an inch here, and half an inch there, but ultimately not much visible change.  The strength gains though?  Wow.  While most personal trainers in my world - ok, in my GYM - will trash the likes of the seated leg extension, or leg curls, I've made significant gains, moving from 90 pounds for 10 reps up to 135 pounds for 12, and no less than 3 sets at that weight too!  I'm comfortably squatting 185 pounds without a spotter for 3 sets of 10 reps.  Sure, they're not competition depth, but I've moved on from earlier notions of powerlifting competition - at least for now.

 At first glance, not much has changed from day 1.  Still no "real abs" to speak of, still those little rolls under my sports bra on my back....

...But when I look more closely, I see a slightly higher butt that is a little less flat.  I see a perky (er?) chest, and maybe a tighter looking waist.  My posture has improved, thanks to exercises from my chiropractor, and things are going well.

I can't wait to see what Phase 2 brings; the addition of cardio both excites me and induces fear.  The point of phase 2 is to start cutting fat, while maintaining - and hopefully building a little more - muscle.

5 more weeks until my vacation down South.  I'm not sure what size I'll be by then, so I guess I'll just have to order bathing suits in every size!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

(Bigger, Faster) STRONGER

Let's not kid ourselves.  As of today, I'm 17 days in, and I really don't look any different.  My measurements are the same as they were on day 8, so I've managed to keep off that 1/2 inch that I lost of my waist.  The scale says I'm down 3.8 pounds, which isn't too shabby for just a couple of weeks.  

But before you start thinking that I'm getting down on myself, or doubting that this whole change of program is worthwhile, let me tell you this:  I'm making significant strength gains.  We're talking 30+ pound increases on exercises where I've plateau'd for MONTHS.  Seated Leg Extensions?  Up to 120# from 90#.  Back Extensions?  Holding a 45# plate now instead of doing them with just body weight.  POW!

I'm taking progress pictures and measurements every Sunday.  I track my measurements and daily weight in a spreadsheet, because I like to be able to see that I'm staying on track.  On top of that, because I track EVERYTHING (weights, exercises, food, mood etc), I can look back and see what works for me, and what doesn't.  The same thing isn't going to work for everyone, so I feel that my OCD tracking will help me in the long run.

Just keep pushing!



EVERYONE has stepped on a scale, most people have scowled at the number, and many never gave a second thought to what actually made up that mass that was being measured.  Of those who have, most have tried calipers (a measured "pinch test") to approximate body fat, some have scales that give you an indication, and others go on the internet and trust wonky mathematical formulae to tell them how "FAT" they are.

I have done all of the above.

Friday, January 13th, I went to McMaster University in Hamilton, to get the REAL scoop on what's going on with my body composition.  I. WAS. AMAZED.

I work hard on my body, and I'm proud of it, but I still beat myself up over having a long way to go.  ESPECIALLY when I consider that one of my 2012 goals is to be on stage in a figure/bikini/fitness competition!  So I (being the kind of person who needs NUMBERS, and not just to like the way I look in the mirror) wanted something accurate.  The most accurate way to measure body composition, and specifically body fat percentage is either the dunk tank - no thanks! - or the BodPod.  McMaster University has the only one in the area that I could find that is a) open to the public, and b) not an a$$load of cash to use!

I stepped into that magical pod wearing compression shorts, a sports bra and a spandex cap on my head.  The Kinesiologist in charge ran the test 3 times, and when I stepped out, voila!  There was my body composition, accurately measured.

My guess was that I was around 24-25% body fat.  My boyfriend figured about 26%.  The BodPod: 21% - that puts me in the LEAN category!

At 132.981 pounds, my body fat percentage is 21.4%, or 28.435 pounds.  104.546 pounds of my body is Fat Free Mass (bones, muscles etc).  Go me!  According to the readout, 18-22% is Lean: "Lower body fat levels than many people.  This range is generally excellent for health and longevity" - remember, this is the FEMALE scale, so the numbers vary for men.



Thursday, January 5, 2012

The power of 3

OK kids.  Today is day 5 of phase 1 for my foray into the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer.  That means it's my first non-gym day of the year! Already!  I'm four workouts in, and I've lost 3 pounds.  And now I have 3 days off!  Three might just be my favourite number at the moment!

While it seems WAY too early to have THREE WHOLE DAYS OFF, I'm doing everything in my power to follow the program as written.  It's a bit of a struggle, because it's so very different from what I've been doing up to this point, and it's SO tempting to tweak it.  I haven't been having DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) at all, but I've got a good afterburn at the end of each workout.  I'm tempted to say that the extra calories - hello, bulking phase! - might be the cause. 

The number on the scale is now down to 132.8pounds as of this morning, but I don't look any smaller; at least not that I can tell.  I will re-do my measurements on Sunday at the 1 week mark, and take progress pictures.

I've got to say, 4 workouts without my workout buddy has been strange; the gym is such a different experience without my boyfriend to keep me company, and being all plugged into my iPod.  I think on my days off I'll try to update my's terrible right now!


Monday, January 2, 2012

I've got a feeling [that tonight's gonna be a good night]

Well, we made it.  We survived another holiday season!  Hooray for us!  No, don't look down.  Don't even think about grabbing and pinching and squishing that love handle that required extra effort to squeeze into your jeans this morning!

It's a NEW YEAR.  It's time to forget what you did in 2011.  Or better yet, use what you did (or maybe didn't do!) last year, and treat it as fuel for your 2012 goals.  I'm on day 2 of my new program (, and while my head is pounding, likely from caffeine withdrawls, I know that this is a change worth making.  It's time to tailor all of that work that I put in at the gym, and line it up with my real goals.  I love lifting big, don't get me wrong.  But this time, it's about the look.

This morning, as I sat eating my FIVE EGG WHITES and 1/4 cup of oats, and handful of veggies, I couldn't get the song from Beauty and the Beast out of my head..."When I was a lad, I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large...but now that I'm grown I eat FIVE dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a barge!"  LOL.  It seems to me that my caloric intake could have actually been HIGHER to help me really build muscle last year.  I've come leaps and bounds, and significantly cut down my body fat percentage, but if I do what my boyfriend often does, and do a BULK (see: eat more than it seems you should to allow more readily available energy for workouts and muscle repair/building), I'll grow my muscle mass, and thus increase the power that my body has to burn fat when I stop bulking!


Ok, so it's a delicate balance, and I'm a little bit scared.  It's a LOT of food.  But after I force what seems an endless amount of protein in my face, it's only an hour or two before I'm ravenous we'll see!

I'm tracking weight daily (so that I can get averages - we women especially fluctuate throughout the week), measuring weekly, and taking update pictures monthly.

This was me, before bed on my 28th birthday, and day 1 of the Live Fit Trainer:

...forgive my wet hair and lack of makeup!

Now a quick snack of Turkey Muffins and veggies (, drive home, and fight off the resolutioners at the gym.  Anyone seen reading, talking on their cell phone, or applying another coat of lipgloss will be sneered at.  It's a GYM people!  Those weights aren't going to lift themselves!
