Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Menu - HIGH carb days

I spoke to my Mom on the phone this morning, and she's up North visiting my Grandparents.  Whý would you care about that?  Well APPARENTLY, my Grandmother was quite concerned about my health; my uncle had seen my picture on Facebook, and was worried at how thin my face was looking, and was CERTAIN that I had become anorexic.  My Mom laughed, and suggested that at 135 pounds, I could hardly be considered anorexic (I can't wait to hear her opinion when I drop down closer to competition weight - will she be so quick to defend me then? I guess we'll see!).

So in honour of my supposedly obvious eating disorder, I felt that for this week's Monday Menu, it was only appropriate that I dedicate it to HIGH CARB DAY!  After 3 low carb days, I treat myself to the following macros: 130g of protein, 30g of fat, and (drumroll please!) 150g of carbs!

Breakfast: 1/2cup of Creamy Brown Rice with cinnamon, 4 egg whites, cooked in coconut oil

Snack #1: 1/2oz almonds, 1 apple

Lunch #1: 4oz outside round beef, 80g Yam/Sweet Potato, 2 cups raw broccoli, washed down with a shot of Progressive fish oil (1 TBSP)

Lunch #2: 4oz ouside round beef, 80g Yam/Sweet Potato, 1/2 cucumber, shot of Progressive fish oil

Snack #2 (post workout): protein shake w/1.75 scoops protein powder, mixed with water, 112g frozen raspnerries, 1 scoop Progressive vegegreens

Dinner: 4oz outside round beef, shot of Progressive fish oil

This is a non-cheat meal High carb day.  When it's a cheat meal day, I basically eat the same as above (but with whatever protein my boyfriend has cooked for me that day; chicken, pork, beef), but add my cheat meal in place of one of the two lunches or dinner, and really make it count!  Think cheeseburger with all the fixin's, sweet potatoe fries and a milkshake or a custom cookie from Sweet Flour (if you haven't tried this, DO IT.  NOW.)

I specified that the fish oil that I take shots of is made by Progressive, because I haven't had fish oil like it before... It's not just fish oil with vitamin D - it has a citrus flavour that makes the taste palatable, and the aftertaste is like you've just eaten a creamsicle.  If you're new to taking large amounts of fish oil, you'll definitely have "fish burps" until you adjust; this citrus flavour makes those far more manageable!

It's quite upsetting to me that someone would accuse me (or anyone) of having an eating disorder based on appearance.  Making lifestyle changes is difficult enough without assumptions being made that you are hurting your body/health.  I have several friends who struggle with the same accusations, and wish that people would ask more questions instead of jumping to conclusions.  I would suggest that the same people who are assuming that WE are being unhealthy likely need to re-evaluate their own nutrition, and their definition of what's "healthy".

Not everyone will be supportive of changes that you make to your lifestyle. It's up to you to love yourself, and make the choices that PROVE IT!



  1. u do have an eating disorder this happened to my ex gf once you get down to competition u wont regain any weight or be happy at anything higher than the competition weight. Please get some help for yourself. stop your suffering. feeling weak? waking up at 4am....go see someone. get help.

  2. Hi Jim! Thanks for your comment and your concern. However, I'm quite confident that the assumption that I have an eating disorder, based solely on the fact that I plan to compete, and that you once knew a competitor who struggled with disordered eating is both ignorant and rude. There are countless fitness competitors and models who live very happy and healthy lifestyles, and I plan to be one of them!

