Thursday, March 22, 2012

12-week wonder(ful)

Did I post regular updates? No.  Did I track EVERYTHING? Totally.

I ended up changing things more than my original "I'm-going-to-follow-this-thing-to-the-letter" mentality would have allowed...but my boyfriend and I booked a vacation, and I wanted to skip ahead to the "cutting" phase early, so that my body would at least look bikini-ready, if not sun-ready.

My final plan looked like this: Weeks 1-7 (by the book), skip ahead to weeks 10-12 and CARB CYCLE.  Since I felt that I had a decent muscle foundation going into my fast-tracked week 10, I was confident that by carb cycling I would get most of the look that I wanted without suffering too much muscle loss.

Long story short, here's how I looked at the end of 9 weeks, before a full week of vacation:

Next up: setting new goals, and fine-tuning my plans.  The second weekend of June, FMIevents are hosting a Fitness Industry seminar for newbies to their world, and you can register for JUST the seminars, or you can add a photoshoot with one of their 4 featured, internationally published photographers.  11weeks out to prep for a fitness photo shoot?  That sounds like a lofty goal, but it would certainly help keep me on track!

To be continued....

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