Thursday, September 8, 2011

Step by Step [Ooh Baby!]

Weight: 131.0 pounds
Left to goal: 6 pounds
Sleep: 6 hours

I woke up RAVENOUS today!  I guess 2 days of being back on track and quite strict about my diet has my metabolism right back to overdrive, which is a great feeling.  I'm down another pound already from yesterday, which tells me that a) I ate way too much at the Mandarin Buffet on Sunday (duh!), and b) I. CAN. DO. THIS.

6am I was up, walked the puppy and had my lemon water and supps.  No green tea extract pills left, so I'll have to be sure to be more consistent about adding a green tea bag to my water in the afternoons.

Since I had a client coming into the office this morning first thing, I was in more of a rush than usual, so my boyfriend made me a protein shake - I'm pretty sure it was Vegan protein (we have a few different ones that we're experimenting with as a change from WHEY), a little instant coffee, almond milk, ice, and some caffeine and benefibre for good measure... After I dropped him off at the bus stop, he sent me a text warning me to be near a bathroom in about an hour - which just happened to be when my meeting was scheduled!  Sometimes....

BUT (pun...ish...intended) I made it to the office with time to spare, so no issues, but it certainly helped to clean me out - should be interesting to see where my weight is tomorrow!

The meeting ran longer than intended, so I didn't get to my grapefruit until almost 11am.

This one wasn't as sweet or juicy as they usually are, but the firmness of it was strangely satisfying!

Since my belly was still rumbling, I went straight for my Greek Yogourt.  I grabbed PB&J packets from the kitchen, but opted against adding them - no need for treats EVERY day, and I happen to like plain yogourt.  I might experiment more with berries and nuts etc just to mix it up a little more.

No cravings yet today (and it's already noon - how the time does fly!), but MAN am I hungry!  I know getting back on track takes little steps, so I'm feeling good.  My afternoon sweet cravings are often the worst, so we'll see what happens after lunch.  Today it looks like porkchops and quinoa, same as last night - which is usually the case, as my boyfriend cooks in large quantities so that dinner also takes care of the next day's lunches!

3:00pm - second lunch.  Same as the first.  I was so hungry, I forgot to take a picture until it was too late.  So just imagine that I posted a picture that looks KIND OF like the one above, but a little different.  It was the same thing, and the same portion size!

RAWWWWWWWR!  It's 4:00pm and my stomach is making itself heard. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank whoever ate the chocolate dipped doughnut in the kitchen, because they MAY have just saved my life.  Or at least my waistline.

But now I have another 40 minutes left at my desk, and my lunch bag is devastatingly barren...I'm going to have to make do with this delicious Green Tea - Mandarin yummy!

What a LOOOOONG, PAINFUL drive home.  Note to self: ease up on heavy water/tea drinking at the end of the day - your commute is at least 40 minutes, and it HURTS when you have to go that badly!

Got home with just enough time to take puppy out for her walk and grab a quick bite before obedience class, so my boyfriend made me a toasted tuna sandwich (with avocado instead of mayo!)...I was so hungry I almost forgot to take a picture!

After puppy class we came home and he got to work on making dinner...we were both really hungry, so we split a protein bar.  Then it was Curry chicken and yummy coleslaw!  I wasn't really in the mood for curry, but it was REALLY good!


xo Mandy

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