I'm not sure what it was about last week, but it was STRESS-FULLLLLL. I'm not sure that's a valid excuse for my complete absence, but it really was tough to find a few minutes to post anything. So here's a summary of the week gone by, and the exact reason why I NEED to post: it keeps me honest about my food!
Tuesday was where I think it all started to fall apart. After a really stressful Monday, and a stormcloud of bad mood hanging over the whole office, I ate a chocolate bar. It was an Aero 70% dark chocolate, which made me feel slightly less guilty, but I ate it before 10am. Yes, it was that bad around here.
From there, my decisions really just fell flat. A bagel from the kitchen (with peanut butter), a PSL from starbucks (I still stuck to non-fat, half sweet Talls!), and a protein bar here and there when I really didn't need it. I realize that the protein bar isn't the worst thing ever, but they have more sugar than I need, especially when REAL food is available.
Saturday was a friend's birthday, and involved mass consumption (I still hold to the fact that I only had 3 drinks, but clearly I was a little heavy-handed with the booze) of Crystal Light and Silent Sam, followed (supposedly) by my table-standing air-guitar performance. I was wearing snakeskin print pants...I believe I was just staying in Character. And I'm sure I had encouragement.
Sunday then required a Big Mac to sustain any semblance of functionality, though it was limited. Another birthday that day meant all you can eat sushi at Sushi D (http://maps.google.ca/maps/place?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=sushi+D&fb=1&gl=ca&hq=sushi+D&hnear=0x89d4cb90d7c63ba5:0x323555502ab4c477,Toronto,+ON&cid=3709849806353130805), which is awesome, and delicious and amazing....I HIGHLY recommend the Rock Shrimp and the Volcano rolls.....BUT
When I stepped on the scale this morning..... *DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN*
Weight: 135.2 pounds. FML.
Left to goal: 10.2 pounds. YOWZA.
sleep: 9 hours...and then some if you count naps. Going to bed at 9pm is the BEST.
And SO begins week 3 of my quest...
I got up, walked the dog, and ate my cereal. For some reason I didn't bother with the lemon water and supps, even after my boyfriend MADE me lemon water. At that point I was just in a rush to get to work, and totally forgot.
I got to work and ate my apple (no grapefruit today). I'm about to crack open my greek yogourt, and I'm REALLY looking forward to lunch - spaghetti squash with homemade Red Sauce...it's not tomato sauce, as it's made with red peppers, but it's delicious and full of meaty goodness. I. CAN'T. WAIT.
I will do my best not to be tardy, and not to fall off the tracks again this week. We officially ordered red, spandex unitards for halloween on Friday, so I'm going to have to whittle down my middle - STAT!
Lunch #1 and #2 were the same:
Delicious, as always, though this one was a little meaty, and didn't have enough squash!
After work, a workout:
Followed by yummy steak and potatoes!
xo Mandy
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