By now, we've all heard "the Secret" - the whole concept that you can believe something into being, and it's all about putting the right vibes out there into the Universe to get what you want. In my mind, that concept extends to the way that you present yourself to others. My Mom has always told me to dress for the job I WANT, not the one I've got (or at the moment, don't have!). So what does this have to do with anything?
A few years ago, I reconnected with my friend, Sheila McElrea. I'm pretty sure that she and I have known one another since the very beginning of elementary school, but lost touch as we went our separate ways to follow our post-secondary education paths. When we reconnected, I discovered that suddenly one Miss Sheily-Mac-Anti-Bac (grade 9 math classes were never dull) had become this incredibly style-savvy, socially concious, political-science educated fashionista, and we were living in the same city!
As soon as I made this revelation, I knew I needed her help; at the time, my closet was riddled with polyester and ill-fitting clothing, the majority of which was likely purchased based on the fact that it was on sale... She was ruthless as we went through my closet, but what we ended up with (admittedly, after a couple of "editing" sessions) was a more finely-tuned version of my former wardrobe, and a clearer definition of what I liked, what fit, and what really suited me, and who I was at that point of my life. I now do my best not to spend money on those cheap fabrics because they're on sale, or because I like a ruffle or print, though I still have the occasional moment of weakness! I have a few key pieces that are high quality fabrics and classic lines, and rely on them heavily in my wardrobe, regardless of the transitions I'm making in my life!
Seeing Sheila today, though only for a few brief moments (I'm excited to wear my new pants soon - thanks!!) really got me thinking. With all that is going on in my life - the LFL, training for a competition, being represented by a fitness modeling agency, and work interviews - I'm tempted to think that I need to remind the Universe of what I want, and dress as the person that I want to be...though I really am enjoying spending most of my day in a bikini or short-shorts! When you watch a professional sporting event on tv, you see the athletes arriving to the venue in full suits - I plan to conduct myself the same way. Ultimately, I know that on the inside I am a pro, regardless of the context!
And nobody can rock an oversized tee, skinny jeans, cute booties and a leather jacket like Sheila - even though she swore up and down she was "slovenly"! Check her out on Twitter and become a devout follower of her blog!
Love what you can when you can...and maybe remind the Universe of what's so loveable once in a while!
What a wonderful post!!! Thank you so much. I'm so honoured. Truly.