OK kids. Today is day 5 of phase 1 for my foray into the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer. That means it's my first non-gym day of the year! Already! I'm four workouts in, and I've lost 3 pounds. And now I have 3 days off! Three might just be my favourite number at the moment!
While it seems WAY too early to have THREE WHOLE DAYS OFF, I'm doing everything in my power to follow the program as written. It's a bit of a struggle, because it's so very different from what I've been doing up to this point, and it's SO tempting to tweak it. I haven't been having DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) at all, but I've got a good afterburn at the end of each workout. I'm tempted to say that the extra calories - hello, bulking phase! - might be the cause.
The number on the scale is now down to 132.8pounds as of this morning, but I don't look any smaller; at least not that I can tell. I will re-do my measurements on Sunday at the 1 week mark, and take progress pictures.
I've got to say, 4 workouts without my workout buddy has been strange; the gym is such a different experience without my boyfriend to keep me company, and being all plugged into my iPod. I think on my days off I'll try to update my playlist...it's terrible right now!
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